- C. Other positions on the Board of Directors shall include:
- 1. Vice President who shall assist the President in all matters and will run all meetings when the President is unavailable.
- 2.Treasurer shall have financial training as an accountant or bookkeeper, shall maintain and/or oversee all CA’s financial records, issue all checks and maintain all CA bank accounts.
- 3. Secretary/Counsel shall be Florida Bar approved attorney and shall provide legal advice to the Board of Directors, review all contracts and assist the President in all ways needed.
- 4. Director shall provide assistance as needed.
E. The President or the Vice President may call a Special Meeting of the Board of Directors and shall provide reasonable notice via any method available and possible, including telephone, e-mail, text message, telefax. During the notification of the special meeting, the President or Vice President shall inform each member of the purpose of the Special Meeting. F. Any vacancy on the Board of Directors shall be filled by the President with an approval vote by the remaining Members of the Board of Directors. II. Advisory Committee A. CA shall request those in the construction industry to serve in an advisory capacity to the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors shall approve each member of the Advisory Committee by majority vote. The advisory Committee Members may attend all Board of Directors and other CA meetings and events. B. While the Advisory Committee Members may not vote on issues facing the Board of Directors, the President may submit issues to the Advisory Committee for an advisory vote before the Board of Directors votes on issues presented to it. III. Volunteer Committees
- A. CA shall have standing committees assisting the Organization as follows:
- 1) Fundraising: Organize and execute all fundraising events.
- 2) Social Media: Provide CA information via all media outlets, including but not limited to Press releases, Facebook and Linkedin.
- 3) Family Assistance: assure that Preliminary Request form has been verified; contact HR of deceased employee’s company to provide a memorial of the employee; send out a note to family of the employee with a list of those who donated on behalf of the family member.
B. The President shall appoint the Volunteer Committee Leader to chair each Volunteer Committee or lead it until a Leader is appointed. C. The President shall be able to establish and appoint the Chair of any Special Committee that the President so deems necessary, or delegate the authority to another Board Member. IV. Member Conduct A. All Board Members, Advisory Committee Members and Volunteer Committee Members shall set an example to be timely, respectful and considerate of the reason each joined or participated with CA. Each Member shall refrain from misappropriating cash or non-cash items donated to or belonging to CA for their personal use. Each Member shall avoid all conflicts of interest with the goals of CA. B. Any violation of the CA Member Conduct policy will result in immediate removal from the Board or Committee and may result in prosecution to the fullest extent of the law. V. Financial Issues A. CA’s Treasurer shall maintain detailed records of all donations made to the CA and all donations made by the CA to Families, as set forth in Section VI below, based upon its IRS not-for-profit, tax exempt, status. B. All financial disbursements, including payments to families of industry employees killed on the job, cumulative reimbursements exceeding $250 within a 12 month period to Members, payments for events and any other payments due to be made by CA, shall be voted upon by the CA Board of Directors. C. All CA Members and other persons requesting reimbursement shall complete a Request for Reimbursement form, to be approved by the Treasurer, before any reimbursement may be approved (the form is attached hereto). The completed form with all proper and necessary receipts shall be provided to the Treasurer. The Treasurer shall then approve the Request and place it on the agenda of the next meeting for the CA Board of Directors to vote for approval before the check may be issued and provided to the requesting Member. D. At no time shall one individual remove and subsequently distribute funds from any CA bank account without written concurrence from no less than two of the Board of Directors Members. E. To assure proper compliance with all CA financial requirements, all financial records of CA shall be made available on a quarterly basis for all Members of the Board of Directors and Advisory Committee Members to review and to discuss. The intent of this review process is to enable all persons dedicating their time to this noble cause to see that all funds collected have been utilized in a fashion that will provide immediate financial assistance to the families in need while helping Construction Angel’s spread its wings and grow. F. It is the responsibility of the Board to ensure by themselves or by designee that all donations be acknowledged in writing to the donor.
VI. Aid to Families A. Upon being notified that an employee in the construction industry has been killed as a result of an on the job accident, a family representative shall complete a Preliminary Request for Assistance Application. (The form is attached hereto). The Application shall be found on the CA website and can be completed thereon. If not completed on-line, the completed form shall be provided to any Member of the Board of Directors or the Advisory Committee. B. Upon receipt of a properly completed Preliminary Request for Assistance Application, the President shall appoint a Member of the Board of Directors, the Advisory Board or the Family Assistance Committee to review the Application to ensure that all information therein is complete. C. Upon completion of review and verification of the Preliminary Request for Assistance Application, the President shall place the Family’s Request on the agenda for the next Board of Directors’ meeting or Special meeting of the Board of Directors. D. Eligibility. In order for the employee’s family to be eligible to receive Assistance from CA, the employee must have been a United States citizen or have been authorized to work in the United States and the family members must be living in the Untied States. [This information is now part of the Request for Assistance Application Form] E. Direct Family Assistance. Each Family shall receive direct financial assistance from CA in the following manner: no more than $1,000 per qualifying child or spouse, not to exceed $2,500 per family. In the event that there are more than two qualifying family members, the amount per family member will be left to the sole discretion of the Board of Directors, to remain within the $2,500.00 maximum donation. Examples for Guidance Only:
- 1. A construction employee has a spouse and 2 children in the same household, CA may provide the family with assistance in the amount of $2,500.00.
- 2. A construction employee has children in more than one household, a spouse with a child in Household A; and a former spouse or partner with another child in Household B. CA may provide a check in the amount of $1,500.00 to Household A and $1,000.00 to Household B.
- 3. A construction employee has a spouse who is pregnant with child. CA may provide assistance to this family in the amount of $2,000.00.
- 1. Private donations in the name of a construction employee killed as a result of a construction accident are graciously accepted. Should a private donor wish to make a donation in memory of a deceased construction worker, each donor shall be notified that the donation may not be specifically directed to the employee’s family. The family shall be notified of the donor’s donation to the CA in the family member’s memory.
- 2. Should private donations in the employee’s name exceed CA’s Direct Family Assistance to that employee’s family, then CA will distribute an additional twenty five percent (25%) of that amount in excess of the Direct Family Assistance to the employee’s family, as set forth in Subsection E. above.